
Showing posts from August, 2024

Old World in the USA...a false narrative My Lunch Break


Old World Photos Boston My Lunch Break


Another of THEIR holidays....Slavery Day

I despise all "holidays" that this culture imposes on manKIND.  I especially despise "Labor Day".  I submit that the day be renamed "Slavery Day".   I have lived in an inhuman labor system since I was a young adolescent. You must do work that you don't want to do, paid a minimal wage,  and taxed on that.  You don't work on your land or in your house. It is unnatural and cruel.  As an elder, I still must work in order to pay property taxes that the government extorts.    At one point, a 40 hour work week was accepted.  Today, many work multiple jobs at over 100 hours a week to just get by.  The injection of email and text messaging has forced many to always be working with no downtime. Computers have enslaved men further with tracking and tracing all work done through the screens. Of course, it is a federal holiday where that government that confiscates our wages shuts down services. This ritual was instituted in the nineteenth century when so much

AI Time travellers..Does this explain the Mandela Effect? MinutesOfHorror


Viardot - Havanaise; Cecilia Bartoli


The bar experience Boston equals the SCREEN experience.


The distortion of the simulation...AI



The demons must not have liked my last post.  All of my bank accounts were hacked and had to be closed.  The woman helping me said that my case was far deeper than what she has seen.  She said it may have come from my personal information being posted on the dark web.    Same day,  my email account was hacked.  I am so sick of this place. I don't believe in coincidences.

Ritual Magic and destruction Bill Gates

These entities NEVER act without purpose.  I believe Gates is one of THEIR wizards and he is performing ritual magic.  Casting a spell on an object, then destroying it, seals the spell.  Whatever dark intentions that THEY have for manKIND is furthered by the ritual magic.   I find this video fascinating due to how much destruction is being done by Gates. I also find it revealing that these dropped objects are all made with LEGO.  This is an unnatural plastic building block to build and imitate natural living creatures. The last portion of the video where he drops the mosquito, destroys it, then runs the film backwards.  The mosquito comes back together and flies upwards back to Gates' hand.  I think this is Crowley magic with doing things backwards.  I believe this is some ritual about unnaturally building artificial creatures with non-living parts. I believe that this same type of destructive ritual magic was used on 9-11, Georgia Guidestones, Challenger disaster,  and probably do

When Mark Zuckerberg Gets Exposed Pretending To Be Human Moon

This one is similar to the Gates entity having changed significantly, physically, and behaviorally,  over the course of its life.  In this video, Zuckerberg  said, "when I was human" in a Q and A session.   My model is these entities start out human and lose their spiritual essence.  THEY then entrain to the HIVE's morphic field.  Like insects, they carry out the mission of the parasite.  THEIR external morphology also changes to reflect THEIR spiriual essence, most towards androgyny. I have written many times that I do not believe these controllers are on hormones and getting extensive plastic surgery to account for THEIR inverted appearance.  

Everyone Can Be Hypnotized Mark Cunningham


The Hustle The Dor Brothers


Der Bajazzo Hugo Grünwalder

  Bajazzo (Why did you come?) lyrics Why did you come If you leave again, You took my heart And throw it away again, I am not a Bajazzo, I am also a human like you, and my heart beats softly for you.   And if you love another, Please don’t say it like that, I can't stand it My heart beats only for you, I am already satisfied If you give me your hand, And say quietly to me: "maybe!"   Maybe it  was you in life A good comrade, Maybe you will know tomorrow How I like to have you, Maybe you say yes And maybe you say no, Maybe our happiness was only an illusion. Only when you are with the other standing at the altar. Only when you are with the other the path through life. Only when you tell the other you extend your hand to life, Only then will I no longer say maybe!

Accordion synchronicity

I have been feeling ill forever but the past week was so bad that I have not been playing accordion.  I decided to push myself tonight to play for 20 minutes.  What are the odds, that when I finish playing I check my feed and this video is there? I caught covid and have been resting for four days now. This is my third time contacting covid. the first time was like a flu. The second one was barely noticeable. this one is as bad as the first time (if not worse). after 4 days of not playing accordion, I thought I'd give it a try but it didn't feel very comfortable. I'll give it a few more days.

The Illusion of the Constitution...James Freeman


Ugly Wife's Club

I am skeptical of the given nature of the controllers. My sense is that THEY are not human spiritually, or have been corrupted. I think THEIR presentation of being married is an illusion that is presented to the masses in hopes of maintaining the illusion of commonality.  Typically, for men, they acquire power and money in pursuit of gaining a young attractive female.   The goal of a "trophy wife" is inserted into the reality.  A  trophy wife  is a wife who is regarded as a  status symbol  for the husband. The term is often used in a derogatory or disparaging way, implying that the wife in question has little personal merit besides her physical attractiveness, requires substantial expense for maintaining her appearance, is often unintelligent or unsophisticated, does very little of substance beyond remaining attractive, and is in some ways synonymous with the term  gold digger . A trophy wife is typically relatively young and attractive , and may be a second, third or later

What are the odds?

A 15-year-old was arrested Saturday in connection with a knife attack at a festival in Germany that left three people dead and eight hurt, authorities said. The suspect has been on the run for hours following Friday’s bloodshed in Solingen — with police saying the teen was not the alleged attacker. The 15-year-old is suspected of failing to report a crime after witnesses said the teen spoke to an unidentified person “about intentions that would match with the crime” shortly before the attack, senior public prosecutor Markus Caspers said in a press conference. Authorities could not rule out a “terrorist” motive behind the attack, noting multiple knives were found, Police Chief Markus Röhrl said. The attacker specifically targeted victims’ throats and necks, police spokesman Thorsten Fleiss said. The mayhem unfolded at around 9:30 p.m. in a central square of “ Festival of Diversity, ” an event marking the 650th anniversary of Solingen. Solingen is Germany"s knife town. Solingen ca

Clint Eastwood at 93 years old.

When I still watched movies, Clint Eastwood was one of my favorites.  I now view him as all actors....deceivers.    It is a feature of this place, how aging of the body causes pain and suffering.  Who or what would design a realm with these characteristics?  Someone or something that desires pain and suffering.  Clint Eastwood at 93 years old — Ross McCulloch (@Rossmac212) August 23, 2024

The Rise of the ‘Religion of Lucifer’ (R$E)

R$E reviews the Tomorrowland Music Festival with its symbology and imagery.  Pretty wild and intense presentation.  The phones in the audience remind me of a church connecting to the demons onstage via tentacles.  Also to be clear, I am not christian and do not embrace christianity. 

"We have been tricked into accepting slavery" BenedictineTheTruth


Nancy Pelosi Said She's A Reptilian! MinutesOfHorror

MOH references and showcases the David Petraeus collapse in this video.  I think these collapses and malfunctions are an indication of THEIR entrainment.

The odd appearance of the controllers

This is another perfect example of "Ugly Wife Syndrome", which I will be posting about shortly.  The most powerful men in the world manage to marry the ugliest women ever.  This makes no sense....unless THEY are not like us, but only masquerading as humans.

Demons Have Infected Computers | 4chan /x/ Greentext Thread Tetsuya

I disagree with the grid down scenario as the coming cataclysm.  The electronics is THEIR mechanism of control.  As to the strategy to survive...I am not so attached to this place to fight to stay here.

Strange! RFK Jr's Brain Worm Theory...


JLB returns to the Reality Sceptic Podcast...YAY

Luke and JLB are a perfect match.  Their cadence and rhythm is natural and real.   Luke asks all the right questions.  JLB's research on Tesla and the History Hoax is sadly overlooked on all  truther platforms. For me, JLB is on the shortlist of best researchers out there.  Luke is the best interviewer out there.   Congrats to both for sharing an enlightening conversation. 

Tik Tok cucumber kid

I have a nice harvest of cucumbers this year.  I have been making tzatziki which is one of my favorites.  I thought I would look online to find any new recipes.  Little did I realize that the cucumber recipe world is dominated by a young Tik Toker named Logan.   I have never been on Tik Tok, but decided to watch a few videos.  I literally could not understand half of what he was saying.  He speaks so fast and slurs his words in an odd sing song cadence. I had to watch the video multiple times to just decipher what he was saying.   I rarely interact with the general public, but my oh my, is this how the general public speaks these days? @logagm Cucumber of the day but it’s Chipotle #ChipotlePartner ♬ original sound - Logan

Add Amazon for the hat trick

I have previously described getting my Google and Discover accounts hacked last week.  They occurred within 48 hours of each other. Well, today completed the trifecta.  My Amazon account was hacked.  Each requiring hours on the phone harvesting my attention. What are the odds that 3 of my major accounts are hacked within a week?   I do not believe this was a "real" occurrence, and it is not by chance. 

Australia Digital ID...voluntary? 7grainsofsalt

 THEY must digitize you.

Want to visit the old World's Fairs? Stuffed Beagle


Star Trek Exposes the Soul Trap Eric Dubay


Destroying the Old World My Lunch Break


POXXY Nurse Doctor CAMPBELL Alistair Williams


Life is a Dream BenedictineTheTruth

I find it significant that I keep my identity in my dreams.  I recognize friends, family, places, and things.  I do not lose myself in my dreams.

Mocking THEM



I recently wrote about my latest personal digital reset. This stimulus and response loop continues...the emails from Google and Discover to rate their service afterward.  The borg feeds on data.  It voraciously consumes data. THEY also lie.  I never indicated to Google that someone else used my account.  THEY synthesize a false reality to justify THEIR actions.

Ancient Greece did not Exist - David Ewing Jr (Xirtus)

I am just beginning to examine David Ewing's research.  His work supports JLB's work on the Library of Alexandria as well as the History Hoax.

12 foot tomato plants from seed that is 3mm in size...

The average size of a tomato seed is 3-5mm. I start all of my tomato plants from seed. I do not fertilize them, only with electroculture.  By this time of year, my plants are now 10-12 feet tall.   The fact that these plants are created out of almost nothing is inexplicable to me. They have an internal blueprint for growth and design.  Where does the stem, leaf, and fruit material come from? As long as I have worked with seeds, it strikes me as magic.   Basil seeds are even tinier  and now are 4 foot tall bushes.

When Thoughts Become Reality Lez Luthor

I am a proponent of Lez's model of thoughts influencing material reality.  I continue to experiment with this concept.   Controlling one's imagination when negative thoughts or fears arise is a challenge. I have had multiple examples of thoughts becoming reality.  When my Mom was still here, she used to wake up at 2 or 3 am each night and look out the front door at their car in the driveway.  In her mind, she was concerned that someone would steal their car.  Sure enough, one of those nights she was looking out the front door and saw a man walking down the street turned up their driveway and entered their car.  She put the light on, opened the front door and yelled at him.  He ran away.   I am of the mindset that her thoughts manifested in the reality she imagined. 

"This is a NONHUMAN force that is behind it" Michelle Gibson on Alfa Vedic

Michelle reviews her breathtaking research regarding the true history of manKIND. "THEY need our suffering for THEIR survival." "We are dealing with a huge demonic influence here however THEY manifest. This whole system is just not human." "Alot of these historical figures may not exist as we have been taught." "THEY found a way to incarnate into human bodies."

Are we living in a Fake Reality? Parallel Portal


Library of Alexandria John le Bon on the History Hoax


The Station nightclub fire.....Jack Russell, Lead Singer of Great White, Dead at 63

For those of us who live in New England, this event was a local horror story that scars you forever.  I think back on some of the music clubs that I have been in in Boston with limited exits. Many could have ended in a disaster such as this.  Another example of failure of government as the fire marshall approved the venue. The Great White singer is also perhaps known for surviving one of the most tragic concert fires in U.S. history, which resulted in the deaths of 100 people, including the band’s guitarist, Ty Longley. Russell was performing at The Station nightclub in Rhode Island n 2003, when the band’s pyrotechnics sparked a fire. Another ENTITY that was a VAX pusher. From the comments The manager of the band assumed full responsibility for what happened, pleading guilty to over 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison and served two years, released on good behavior and letters of forgiveness from next of kin of the deceased. The owner of the bu


Dr. Jane Ruby continues to review the recent virology paper on self-assembling nanotech in the vaccines. In this review, she goes over the effects of UV light, 5G, EMF and temperature on the nanotech. 

Harris rally AI errors are purposeful.

There is much chatter about AI being used to fake Kamala Harris audiences at rallies. This is where Alison McDowell's research on the ant computer shines.   The AI errors are not accidents.  They are purposefully put out there as a stimulus to see who catches them and how they react.  Everything put out in the "NEWS" is a stimulus looking for a response and nature of the response.  Anyone else see it too? — Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) August 11, 2024 Go go Gadget neck guy?... — 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐒. 𝐈𝐥𝐢𝐚 (@joshuasilia) August 11, 2024 The images from Harris rallies is being faked/enhanced using Ai image generators. People are so excited for Kamala Harris they are growing extra arms and hands and deforming their faces. Toooooootally legit lol. — Conservative Patriot Pizza Bitch (@PatrioticPizzas) August 11, 2024 Check out the yellow box and the leg within...just above the LA in the sign..   They d

Another vehicle to suppress manKIND


Another personal digital reset.

This is one of the busiest times of year for me.  The harvests are coming in.  They must be canned, roasted, frozen, fermented, etc in order to preserve them for the coming year. I have previously written about my last "personal digital reset". Well, it is 8 months later and another digital reset for me.  Yesterday, I was locked out of my Google account.  It would not just accept my username, password, and email verification.  It required me to receive a text and enter the 6 digit code.   I do not own a smart phone.  I had one many years ago and have been without one for 15 years.  I keep a flip phone turned OFF in my car in case of auto emergency.  I have never sent or received a text message.  I spent the better part of my day yesterday, with the phone company updating the phone and showing me how to receive a text message.  Finally by late afternoon yesterday, I was able to recover my Google account.   I don&#