12 foot tomato plants from seed that is 3mm in size...

The average size of a tomato seed is 3-5mm. I start all of my tomato plants from seed. I do not fertilize them, only with electroculture.  By this time of year, my plants are now 10-12 feet tall.   The fact that these plants are created out of almost nothing is inexplicable to me. They have an internal blueprint for growth and design.  Where does the stem, leaf, and fruit material come from?

As long as I have worked with seeds, it strikes me as magic.  

Basil seeds are even tinier  and now are 4 foot tall bushes.


  1. how do you plant those seeds, just dig a whole and water them once a week what is the process?

  2. My current method for tomatoes and peppers is to place a wet paper towel inside a small tupperware container with seeds. Once they have germinated...a root and leaves emerge from the seed casing. I then gently transfer them into seed trays that have 30-70 separate cells filled with seed starting mix. They then go under grow lights till they are 5-6 inches in height. They then get up potted to a larger container. Give them a few hours in the sun each day to harden off the plants and get them used to sunlight. Then they go in the ground or into large pots.

    Some seeds such as dill, cucumbers, beans, redbeets,turnips, and carrots are directly sewn in the ground.

    Some have said that if you germinate your seeds with your own saliva, the food that is grown will be custom made to your body to provide you the best nutrition. Occasionally, I have done this.

    It truly is a magical process to firsthand observe.

    Thanks for your comment, cheers, db

  3. Good perspective. I consider two sides, that the plants are part of the program, or that they are caught the same as "us." The "seeds" seem to point to the former.

    1. Seeds remain a mystery of this realm for me. They look inanimate, yet when activated with the most mysterious element, here, water, they come alive. Thanks for your comment, best, db


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