The brutality of this place...quarantine yourself from interacting....

Many years ago, as a teenager, I ventured to Pennsylvania.   I had a PA state trooper  allege that I went through a yield sign with Rhode Island plates.    He said that I could challenge this and went back to his cruiser and wrote me an additional ticket for endangerment.   He then said I could challenge it in court which i unfortunately did.  He followed me through the backwoods of  PA to a jail.  He asked me how much money I had on me as I walked into the court room.   The judge heard us out and said I believe the state trooper over you.  I was charged for the court hearing, the tickets  as well.  This is a corrupt system.  I learned painfully over many years. 

The only remedy is to limit your interaction with this place. It is corrupt and evil. 


  1. "You" weren't charged, Benny. As "You" are a living man, "You" can only be charged with true crimes, which are trespasses against another living being. Only corporations can charge corporations, and only real beings can charge other real beings. The officer in this case was acting as an agent for a corporation, and what was charged was another corporation. What was charged in your case was your ens legis, the trust account which was created through the birth certificate. There are ways to learn and navigate these land/sea/air legal realms.

  2. I, indeed, was charged around 500 dollars to avoid being put in a cage.

    Try navigating that dangerous legal maze as a 22 year old having been indoctrinated into the system. I believed that courts were just. If I didn't have the money, they were going to put me in a cage, which is really what they wanted to do.

    With all due respect, I don't buy any of that birth certificate/sovereign citizen/maritime law briar patch. Studied it for years and see it as a sink for your time and energy. Thanks for your comment. db

    1. The area of sovereignty has been heavily co-opted as it is the number one purpose of our existence here. That no one is actually in charge of us here, because no one in the planes following this one will be, either. It is the reason for religion, the reason for the fictional history of the wild wild west, the fictional history of kings and queens, and the reason why the schools made us read "Lord of the Flies."

      The truth in the other thing lies on the back of the dollar bill. "In God We Trust" is actually the ingodwe Trust, which is the Totten Trust, the backing of all currency since the removal of gold and silver in 1933. Cheers as always.

    2. Thank you for your insightful comment. I maintain that we are in a realm of slavery and suffering. The best we can do is limit our interaction with it. Best regards, db


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