Virginia Stoner continues to get ignored on the Mass Casualty event in NY April 2020

I meandered back to Virginia's blog today with some more bombshell information.

If the Centers for Disease Control’s death records are correct, there was a mass casualty event in New York City and the surrounding area in April 2020, which killed 50,000 people over the course of 8 weeks, then ended just as suddenly as it began.

  • Most excess deaths in NJ and NY occurred in a small geographic area, with an obvious epicenter in NYC.

  • Deaths increased dramatically for adults of all ages during the 4/20 surge, and tripled for all ages 45 and up.

  • Although COVID19 was listed as the underlying cause of many deaths, deaths from many other underlying causes doubled or tripled or more during the surge, including heart, brain, lung, and kidney related deaths.

In this paper I focus in on 25 counties in NJ and NY where deaths doubled or more in April 2020. These 25 counties in and around NYC accounted for 93% of all excess deaths in NJ and NY during the 8-week surge.

She has shown how Tom Cowan and Sam Bailey have ignored and/or obfuscated the death statistics for April 2020.

I have previously highlighted my firsthand knowledge of this event.


  1. nice find, DB. the protocols would not explain the at-home deaths...but internet service trucks were the most-common ones on the roads back in the early daze...hmm

  2. Thanks for your comment and open-mindedness. Even when I have presented this analysis, data, and personal experience to most, it is ignored as it does not fit their preconceived paradigms. This is one of the many reasons that I do not embrace the NPC model.

    Virginia Stoner is the star here. She is the one who did the work and laid the data out for us to see. I am extremely grateful for her bravery, honesty, and persistence. Thanks for the comment, best regards, db.


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