
The above drawing I did in 2008, titled "Autobiography."

How did none of my adult relatives, parents, grandparents ever talk about what this place is all about.  They all got married and had children, never asking questions. They conformed.

How did none of my "teachers", advisors, priests, consultants ever talk about this place or this experience?

How did none of my friends over 50 years, older and younger than me,  never ever questioned what this place is all about?   They got married and had children. They conformed.

Marriage always instinctively felt like a trap to me, a voluntary giving up of my freedom.  I was pressured to marry my whole life, yet I knew they couldn't force me to drink the poison.

Why am I willing and able to ask the taboo questions about the nature of this place?  Why am I different from others who surrounded me my whole life?  Were they agents of this place, attempting to coerce me to conform to this place?  They believed the stories. They believed in the system. They conformed.

My knowledge, experience and choices have led me to a place of self-imposed quarantine from the system.  I don't believe the stories.  I see through the illusion and deception.  

Why am I so different from everyone I have ever known for my whole life?


  1. You're not alone, nobody agrees on every little topic however plenty of us out here that are waking up to this mystery of life.

  2. There are many like you, Benny. "You" were probably like "me," a few rare teachers helping along the way that deviated from the curriculum to help us along the right path.

    In Catholic school first grade, I got sent to Catholic school prison for not "agreeing" like the other 30 students that I would kiss the Pope's ring when he visited.

    My mother once told me, after disagreeing with her 100 out of a 100 times, "Well, you always marched to the beat of a different drummer."

    You are just marching, though you aren't marching.

    1. Thank you for sharing your insightful experience. Cheers, db


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