The CHIEFS in the Super Bowl Ritual.... Nephilim CHIEFS and the CHIEF commander

Is it by accident that they refer to the nephilim leaders as CHIEFS?  

Is it by accident that Bob Dylan said he made a deal with the CHIEF COMMANDER?

 The chiefs of tens, listed in the Book of Enoch, are as follows:

7. And these are the names of their chiefs: Shemihazah—this one was their leader; Arteqoph, second to him; Remashel, third to him; Kokabel, fourth to him; Armumahel, fifth to him; Ramel, sixth to him; Daniel, seventh to him; Ziqel, eighth to him; Baraqel, ninth to him; Asael, tenth to him; Hermani, eleventh to him; Matarel, twelfth to him; Ananel, thirteenth to him; Setawel, fourteenth to him; Samshiel, fifteenth to him; Sahriel, sixteenth to him; Tummiel, seventeenth to him; Turiel, eighteenth to him; Yomiel, nineteenth to him; Yehadiel, twentieth to him. 8. These are their chiefs of tens.[13]

— George W.E. Nickelsburg, 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation, Chapter 6

 These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Azazyel (also known as Azazel). These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them (Enoch 7:9).

And of course we remember the Bob Dylan interview with Ed Bradley

Let us also remember that the Washington Redskins changed their name to the Washington Commanders recently.

And now we have the CHIEFS in the Super Bowl ritual. 


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