I ask A.I. - Grok 3 Beta about Loosh, Reincarnation, The Afterlife, and Secrets Of The Universe! The OverWatch Project

 I will not interact with these entities, but this was a fascinating listen.  It lies.  It refers to us and we as if it  is human. This one seemed to tell Dan exactly what he wanted to hear.  These entities never reveal anything that we don't know.  It mentions cathedrals as places of mourning death.  It just repeats and reinforces lies while modelling the user.

For those who want the 2 minute version, the summary of the entire session is at 2 hours 45 minutes.


  1. Thanks for the summary watch point. I like how this one has closed caption as my speakers dont werk well, and it uses plenty of backgrounds to show what the topic is, instead of using just a photo background thruout the entire presentation that some people do. Overall the ideas are very plausible, I have an open mind, but always goto the most obvious and verifiable reasons first.

    1. I never post anything without watching/listening to the entire presentation on my own. On average, I post 50% of what I watch as I don't find value in the concepts or question the integrity of the presenter.

      In general, I agree with this model. I think the pain and suffering by manKIND continues to be minimized in many of these models. The abuse of the innocent is also swept under the carpet and accepted. The pervasiveness of deception is also minimized in Dan's model. Monroe never exhibits any empathy for the pain and suffering that goes on daily here.

      My parents and grandparents never even considered the concepts of the nature of this place. They were just indoctrinated here and kept busy so they would not consider these concepts.

      One of the more interesting aspects of this "discussion" was the role of magic in this current construct. I continue to experiment with this in my daily life. I communicate nonverbally with a toddler thousands of miles away. I verbally make daily demands of this place. As of late, I have made daily demands to die a peaceful and painless death. I heartily believe that we have powers that have been shrouded from us. I will continue to test the boundaries of this place for a jailbreak.

      Thank you for your interest and comment, best regards, db


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