
Showing posts from March, 2025

Kate Smith - American Castrato MRETV


This is a realm of abuse, suffering, and infraction. Notice the tattoos on the enforcers of VIOLENCE.

  Notice the prevalence or tattoos in these purveyors of VIOLENCE on manKIND. This was from 2016... 1. Key Findings  Overall 48% of officers have a tattoo and 17% have a visible tattoo when in uniform;  Younger officers are more likely to have a tattoo and visible tattoo than older officers;  Officers with no qualifications are more likely to have a tattoo and visible tattoo than those with a degree ;  Officers with less than 20 years’ service are more likely to have a tattoo and visible tattoo than those longer in service ;  Constables and sergeants are more likely to have a tattoo and visible tattoo than inspecting ranks;  63% of all tattoos are on the arm, back and shoulder whereas 88% of all visible tattoos are either on the lower arm or wrist;  93% of officers with visible tattoos have not encountered any issues with managers, professional standards, other colleagues or public se...

Is This the Last Phase before AI Government? Truthstream Media

Excellent video but odd title...Melissa presents the evidence that AI is already running this place.  These meat suits are entrained to the AI in hivemind....or completely AI generated videos.      

Robin Williams.....alive? Nex Wex Backup


The Trump Chip Deal 7grainsofsalt 3

  THEY are hellbent on moving forward with this technology.   You are looking at demons in this video.  THEY remind me of  those with toxoplasmosis.  That's the focus of IU School of Medicine Professor  Bill Sullivan, PhD , and his research lab, which studies Toxoplasma gondii, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. This is a single-celled parasite that makes its eggs (oocysts) in the gut of cats. Infected cats expel these parasitic eggs into the environment, contaminating the soil, gardens, and fruits and vegetables. Sullivan said the parasite can infect any animal, including humans, forming tissue cysts in their organs and muscles. Eating undercooked meat infected with the parasite is another common way to catch toxoplasmosis. The parasite can also be transferred from mother to unborn child. "After a host is infected, the parasite forms cysts throughout the body, including the brain," Sullivan said. "These cysts, which cannot be eradicated by known dr...

This New AI is Made of Living HUMAN BRAIN Cells (Synthetic Biological Intelligence)

 Anyone who thinks this is about healthcare and fighting disease is naive. 

Crossing the Uncanny Valley of Conversational Voice


Schubert's La Pastorella. Cecilia Bartoli mezzo-soprano


The Simulation on Display

  Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker posted identical videos—word for word—right before Trump’s speech. — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 4, 2025 This is the definition of “The Blob.” Zero original thought. All reading off of the same script. All holding the DJI microphone trying to look like a Zoomer YouTuber. It’s the party of pure unfettered inauthenticity. A grift machine with replaceable parts. — Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) March 4, 2025

I ask A.I. - Grok 3 Beta about Loosh, Reincarnation, The Afterlife, and Secrets Of The Universe! The OverWatch Project

 I will not interact with these entities, but this was a fascinating listen.  It lies.  It refers to us and we as if it  is human. This one seemed to tell Dan exactly what he wanted to hear.  These entities never reveal anything that we don't know.  It mentions cathedrals as places of mourning death.  It just repeats and reinforces lies while modelling the user. For those who want the 2 minute version, the summary of the entire session is at 2 hours 45 minutes.

Billy Joel..falls performing at age 75.

 THEY must perform. "At one point, he was using his microphone stand as a cane.' My model is that many if not most of these performers are demonically possessed. This is another example of Joel behaving bizarrely. Billy Joel Says Eric Clapton's Anti-Vax Views Are a "Total Shock" — michael cipoletti (@ikecip) November 22, 2021   Throughout the course of the pandemic, we’ve all had to grapple with Eric Clapton’s   anti-mask, anti-vax and anti-lockdown beliefs . Many of the classic rock icon’s contemporaries have weighed in on the issue, including Queen’s Brian May, who   said last summer   that he thinks anti-vaxxers are “fruitcakes” and that Clapton “has very different views from me in many ways.” Now another legendary musician has joined those taking Clapton to task when Billy Joel was asked about the guitarist’s vaccine stance   during a recent ap...