Telepathy Research, Telepathy Tapes, The epic failure of materialism, A brief discussion of PSI. The Overwatch Project

 Mark and Dan review the Telepathy Tapes.


  1. Hi db!
    I used to follow Dan from the OverwatchProject and his research years ago. He was the first person who I discovered who was trying to figure out what this place is in it's totality and I loved the approach he took. I still agree with many things that he says. However I personally don't agree with this idea that many people have, about consciousness being the be all end all of everything. There are not many people who think that way and I know it even makes some people angry, but I'm very much convinced that there is something more fundamental than consciousness.
    Also to add something that almost nobody talks about and it makes people even more angry, I don't think there is such a thing a 'your' mind or 'my' mind (and mind is not the same as consciousness, there is mind and also some more base awareness). There is such a thing as the 'world mind' with all it's information (a.k.a. the akashic records [controlled and manipulated, like a 4th dimensional version of Wikipedia]), and it's playground called the astral realm. And I think every human has something in his brain (like an antenna) that connects him to that invisible layer of Electromagnetic energy, some more, some less.
    That's why I think things like telepathy, or remote viewing are possible, as I mentioned in a different post. Some people might have a damaged brain in certain areas, which makes the signal from that 'antenna' (in a different part of the brain) less attenuated. Just some of my honest observations.
    All the best,

    1. Hi always thanks for your essay. Much appreciated. I still follow Mark and Dan and appreciate their work.

      I disagree with them on the idea that we entered into this experience by choice. I find it paradoxical that they feel the afterlife gymnastics are full of deception and trickery, yet the same tricks would not be used to get us into this place.

      I also find it striking that these children can know hieroglyphics, languages, mathematics, yet never call out NASA, fake history, toxic medicine, toxic food, etc. If you and I could figure this out in our lifetimes, someone who truly has access to all knowledge would know this. In fact, I tried to share this with my parents before they passed. For most of us, we immediately want to share this important information with those around us in an urgent fashion. None of those in the Telepathy Tapes do so.

      We really don't know what others experience in this place. We can only know what we experience. It is rare for people to share their thoughts on what this experience is and what they experience.

      I have started doing daily self-hypnosis once again as my health slowly improves. My dreams and recollection have subsequently improved. Am I conscious in my dreams?...I still am me in my dreams.

      I am more and more convinced that the only thing we can know is what we experience. We can then form personal models of reality based on those personal experiences. I enjoy hearing stories, vignettes, and impressions of others with regard to their personal experience, but most just parrot stories from school or media.

      As always Luke, thank you for your contribution. best regards, db

    2. One more thing I failed to mention, Luke....I cannot relate to this quest for knowledge. I don't care about learning languages, history, science, math, etc.

      If I could be comfortable and without pain/suffering, I would be happy to know nothing. The only reason I seek knowledge in this realm is to minimize pain/suffering to best navigate this place. My current knowledge is that if I minimize my interaction with the civilization, I can best avoid pain/suffering. I continue to walk that path. best, db

  2. I would just like to clarify what I mean by "more fundamental than consciousness", and why I say that. Imagine that you're walking down the street and you suddenly look back over your shoulder and there is a vehicle running fast towards you and in a split second you jump away to the side avoiding a potentially deadly accident. What is the source of that decision and how is it made? Because there is no time to think about it. There is no time to consciously asses the situation etc. When you consciously think and experience stuff, there is always a time aspect, a time delay element to it. But in life threatening situations, there is no thinking, there is just an immediate reaction. Impulses in your muscles, to move away from the danger, are IMMEDIATE. So where does the immediacy come from? What powers you and your body in that situation WITHOUT any time delay? Because whenever there is consciousness there is a time delta in it, at least that's how it is here in this place.
    Lets call the more fundamental thing 'soul'/'spirit'/'life essence'/'energy of life' or whatever one wishes to call it. All I'm saying is that the totality of experience seems to be based on this 'life essence' + consciousness (as a feedback loop somewhat), not consciousness alone. And that 'life energy' is a mystery. Nobody here knows where it comes from. Many things in this place happen unconsciously and subconsciously or as an intuitive feeling. Is it all just a program of this place, a software of your body? I don't know.
    By the way in regards to sleeping, I don't see any consciousness in a deep sleep state, it activates in other sleep cycles, but during deep sleep there is none, but the body still 'lives'.
    I might of course be completely wrong, but that's why, in short, I say that there is something more fundamental than consciousness.
    Thanks for replying and all the posts on this blog. It's always great to visit and see what you put here.

    1. Hey Luke....very interesting scenario that you highlight. I suppose I would ask how you would define consciousness. If I define consciousness as awareness, would I not be aware of the vehicle coming towards me?
      Thanks for the kind words, best, db

    2. Hi Luke, thinking a bit more about your given scenario. Are you aware of Rupert Sheldrake's books, in particular, The Sense of Being Stared At and Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home? These books were very revealing to me and may shed light to support your thesis on the scenario you described. The morphic resonance fields make a lot of sense to me. Perhaps we are using different words to describe the same thing. best, db

    3. I know what you mean, but sometimes the awareness of the danger seems to come at the same time as the reaction to it has already begun. And the awareness of the danger can come in different forms, sometimes as an intuitive feeling in the body, in like the chest region (at least that happened to me few times).
      Another (maybe more direct) example would be if you touch something really hot, without knowing that it's hot, there will be an immediate reaction resulting in moving your arm away from the high temperature of the object. The question would be, is this just a blind automatic (programmed) reaction of your body, or is the power of (hidden from the mind) 'life energy' moving your arm to safety, or maybe does the body have it's own separate awareness? Are there different levels of awareness, or different consciousnesses? Is only one of them a 'real' consciousness and the other are part of the 'matrix'?
      Also the body seems to grow and heal itself in deep sleep without my conscious intention to do it.
      Maybe I just don't get it, but final thing I will say is that, I remember years ago being caught in 'new (c)ageism and 'spirituality' and plenty (if not all) of the gurus, 'enlightened' people, were saying that "all is consciousness and consciousness is all", and those people turned out to be fakes, charlatans, frauds, and liars. So was that just an accident, a coincidence, or are we dealing with something else? Is a broken clock right two times a day kind of a scenario, or is the place we come from, and life originates from, something more than just consciousness?
      Maybe it's just me rambling about nonsense, I don't really know, but I intuitively felt that the 'all is consciousness' people didn't have the full picture.
      All the best,

    4. Hi Luke....very much agree with you on that last paragraph. I don't like the term consciousness as i struggle to define it and so many use it as a wastebasket term. Do you trust Sheldrake? He believes in God which I do not, but I embrace much of his work. Thanks, db

    5. You know db, I don't really trust him, but I don't even fully trust the thoughts in my own head, to be honest with you. I actually started some time ago to be suspicious of where do even some ideas in my head come from, because they felt foreign to not only other thoughts, but even to the essence of who I really am. The thing about the 'world mind' I mentioned above, is actually something I still try to fully digest, but anyway it seems to me that one can have a thought or a vision, that one becomes conscious of, that actually comes from somewhere else, from the 'system'.
      I think people can actually serve the system without even knowing that they do, because they have thoughts and ideas, that actually come from some parasitic mind, or some egregore, 'world mind', or whatever one wishes to call it.
      So there can be plenty of people who are in the pursuit of truth (at least they start that way), and at one point the purity of their journey becomes diluted, because they become infested with some external mental force, empty distorted ideas, and false beliefs. This world has many layers of illusions, and it may happen that one falls for some, but sees clearly through others. So basically I never fully trust in other peoples research, unless I find out for myself and it hits me deep, and it has nothing to do with the human himself, but with all the layers, especially those unseen, of this 'matrix' construct.

    6. Thanks for your take. Very much, db


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