The Power of Music


On this Christmas Eve, I was reflecting on our family traditions from the past.  The night of ritual was kicked off by the above song and subsequent LP.  It still moves me to this day, despite not having belief in the Christmas story.  It tattooed me for life with warm memories of being home, being in the company of family and friends.  The association of the music with the ritual cannot be undone. 

I have been contemplating the power of music recently.  There are so many forms of expression including painting, drawing, collage, novels, poetry, dance, etc.  Absolutely none of these is as powerful as music.  It seems that music resonates with us in a way that connects directly to our emotions.  It also explains why it is such an effective weapon against us by the controllers.  It surrounds us shopping centers, stores, gas stations, restaurants, bars.  It is very difficult to escape it in public places.  The variety of styles, genres, and musicians and vocalists is overwhelming.  


  1. What a lovely and powerful song! Agree 100% with the misuse of music in public and in general. It has become a principal debaser of society, whereas perhaps in the past it was to unite. You seem to take the good and avoid the bad, which is what I strive for too. Thank you for your efforts, sir!

    1. So very well said. Thank you for your insightful regards, db


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