Awaken the Spark with Guest Howdie Mickoski Sovereign Spirits with Wayne Bush

 I found Wayne and Julie's questions to be more insightful than Howdie's answers.

Wayne is top notch in this subject area.


  1. Even though I don't agree with everything that Howdie says, there is one very very important thing that he says, which I find to be the Truth. The fact that the thinker (the character we think we are) is also fake, is also a part (the most fundamental part) of the 'matrix'.
    I agree with him that it sort of doesn't matter how much you know about the external world, how many hoaxes you see in the narrative, how much fakery you discover about the world, until you find the fakeness in yourself.
    I think that is of the utmost importance and I don't see many people going there, or even scratching the surface about that part of this so called existence.
    Also I personally think that Howdie has made a huge step with his new material, compared to his older work.

    1. Hi Luke, I am skeptical of Howdie on 20 different fronts. I post these talks for all to witness and analyze.

      I do embrace his work on the World's Fairs and Expositions though. His stories from his past come across as very contrived. He always says he had a "death" experience in the canyon. He also calls it the "canyon experience." He never says NDE or a near death experience. It is purposeful unusual terminology. He says he was a stand up comic, yet never ever comes across with any humor in any sense. If his father stole all of his money, how does he end up going off to Egypt? How could you spend years testing reality and doing recapitulations without a job? I struggle to find time for my pursuits even in my 60's. If one tests reality for years, why are the same stories told over and over? I also have difficulty understanding why he doesn't integrate his work on the fairs and expositions into the nature of this place.

      As to his position that the thinker is fake, we will have to respectfully disagree on this one. The only thing that I know for 100 percent certainty in my existence is me. Anything that my being has ever known to be is through me. I am me in my dreams, my daydreams, and my imagination. I am the only one who knows my complete history, failings, shortcomings, successes, feelings, etc. I could attempt to share these with others, but ultimately, it is my experience, it is my life. It is me. I am not nothing.

      In my opinion, denying yourself is a clever trap. I am not an illusion. I know that. I don't want to exit myself. I want to exit this realm. What is real truth without my existence to witness it? I also do not agree with Howdie recharacterizing this place as a giant pit of distortion and insanity minimizing the suffering and pain. "Awaken the Spark"...I don't care about the Spark, whatever that even means. I would rather let the divine spark die a cold hard death than deny myself. Best regards, db

    2. Thanks for the reply. I do understand all your suspicions and questions about him. I personally find him as a genuine guy, although yes I agree there are some things that I don't like about him and some thing that I don't understand why he says what he says, but having said that, I wouldn't be so caught up on the terminology. When I speak about spirituality I absolutely hate the spiritual jargon and try to avoid it, so maybe that's part of the answer.

      When I say that the mental character is fake, what I really mean is that there is a real part of you and the fake, matrix part of you. If I use the analogy to a computer, then what I would mean is that you are not the software, nor the hardware, you, me and whoever is reading this, are the electricity that makes the computer work. Most people think they are either the hardware (materialistic people, atheists and such) or the software (spiritual people, new age people, and people caught in similar traps). To me both are false.
      I wouldn't call that denying yourself, I would call that going through every layer of existence possible.
      If we disagree than that's ok, maybe in the end it doesn't matter anyway and whatever is supposed to happen (being liberated from this place) will eventually happen one way or the other.
      All the best,

    3. Hi Luke, thanks for your comment and reply. "When I say that the mental character is fake, what I really mean is that there is a real part of you and the fake, matrix part of you."

      I agree with that. Jobs, education, titles of authority, roles of identity are all false elements of this construct or so-called civilization.

      Computers are a tough metaphor for me as I think they are pretty much digital ouija boards with the electricity as currency for demonic entities.

      I spend alot of time reading journals that I wrote in from decades ago and daily writing in physical journals. I do this to know myself as best as possible in this place and to understand myself and past experiences. I hate the inherent amnesia of this place.

      I remember talking to my Mom before she left...even in her 80's that she always felt like she was the same person. The physical had changed but her essence was the same. I feel the same way, even though my body has gone through multiple iterations here, I am the same core essence.

      Who knows if we really disagree, Luke. On some level, I doubt it. We all get caught up in the quicksand of language as you astutely referenced. I also agree with your conclusion about destiny and what will happen. I will fight the amnesia as I do each night in my dreams. I will stand as a witness to what this place is.

      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and comment. Cheers, db


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