Transgender pretender brutally assaults female student while principal watched – and then suspended victim!

I maintain that these so-called transgenders are demonically possessed human bodies.  This incident described below fits my model. Grunting, growling, extreme violence, and inhumane acts....chewing on her eye!!!  in Maine, no less.  Anyone that knowingly sends their child to public school is exposing them to indoctrination, violence and scarring for life.

A horrible story is coming out of Maine about a female student who was brutally assaulted by a transgender pretender (biological male) on a school bus after she came to the aid of her friend who was also being attacked by the fake trans.

What you’ll see in the video below is what transpired just outside the bus as the students were unloading. The fake trans attacked the same female student again and pinned her down with his weight while he began slamming her head into the pavement and biting her on the eye and face.

Meanwhile, the principal is standing right there and is doing nothing but yelling commands at the fake trans to get off the female. It was the bus driver who took action and pulled the fake trans off the female student.

Here’s the video of the attack outside the bus, h/t Not The Bee:

 John Cardillo said on X a week ago that this video was sent to him by a source and this is what he wrote:

Video sent to me by a source in Maine. Useless guy in the green shirt is far left principal Matt Haney of Mount Desert Island HS in Bar Harbor (@MDItrojans) 

Haney stood by and did nothing here as a biological male trans student viciously beat an actual female student. My sources tell me that Haney then sent an email ordering students to delete this video. In addition to allowing girls to be beaten by men, Haney also violates his students First Amendment rights.

The horrible principal then suspended the fake trans attacker, but also suspended the victim whose only crime was trying to defend her friend.

Here’s much more from the Maine Wire:

The transgender Maine high schooler who assaulted a high school girl on Friday was the subject of previous sexual harassment complaints at a different Maine school just months before video emerged showing him viciously attacking a classmate outside Mount Desert Island High School in Bar Harbor.

The video, one of two showing the violent attack, did not capture the entirety of the altercation or the animalistic brutality of the assault on the smaller female student, who spoke to the Maine Wire along with her parents on the condition of anonymity.

According to the victim and her parents, the attacker—a biological male who has identified as female for several years—struck the victim in the head with a steel water jug, was growling as she pinned her down on the sidewalk, and gnawed on her eye before grabbing her by her hair and smashing her head into the concrete.

An additional, unreleased video obtained by the Maine Wire, along with the initial video released on X by John Cardillo, confirm the family’s account of the attack and show the attacker twice striking the young girl with his metal water bottle before taking her to the ground, straddling her, biting her, and attempting to rip out her hair.

 “He full on attacks her, gets on top of her and pins her down,” the mother told the Maine Wire. “So she’s not even able to defend herself in any way because he’s bigger, he’s heavier, he’s like six-feet tall,” she said. “And then he begins biting her eye and, my daughter said, while he was chewing on her eye he was growling.”

“He’s grabbing handfuls of hair and smashing her head off the pavement,” she said. “All the while the teachers, the principal is crouched down next to them.”

“When you’re smashing somebody’s head off pavement with that type of force, what is your intent? Your only intent is probably to kill that person,” she said.

The attacker—whom the Maine Wire is declining to identify as he is also a minor—had only recently begun injecting himself with estrogen as part of hormone replacement therapy, according to his Instagram profile.

“The whole time, she’s just screaming for help, crying and screaming, ‘somebody help.’ And nobody helped her,” the victim’s mother said.

“The principal sat there and screamed at them instead of helping. And [her daughter] said, ‘Mom, I really thought I was going to die. I thought that was it. I thought I was never going to see you again.’ And that’s probably the hardest thing to hear,” the mother said.

“That really haunts me,” she said.

The principal of Mount Desert Island High School, Matthew K. Haney, did not respond to a phone call asking for comment about the attack.

After the Maine Wire contacted Haney for comment, his social media account was deleted from X.

In the videos, a male voice can be heard instructing the attacker to release his victim’s hair. The videos show the male student walking away after the assault ends, while his victim remains on the pavement screaming.

According to the parents, the altercation stemmed from earlier comments made on social media involving the attacker and a friend of the victim. Although the Maine Wire was unable to locate the comments in question, the victim’s parents acknowledged that their daughter made aggressive comments toward her attacker in defense of a friend.

All three of the students regularly rode the same school bus together, but on Friday morning, when the young man came aboard the bus, he headed for the victim’s friend and began attacking her, according to the victim’s mother.

“There was no warning,” the mother said. “He just immediately hopped on the bus and went right after her.”

That’s when the girl seen in the original viral video began to physically intervene in defense of her friend.

At that point, the bus was roughly 20-mins from the high school.

The bus driver, “Bob,” was able to separate the students and radio the school to have help standing by for when he arrived.

The video camera on the school bus captured the altercation; however, none of that video has been released.

When the bus finally arrived at MDI HS, Haney was waiting near the sidewalk. The two female students, whom the bus driver had separated at the front of the bus, exited the vehicle first.

As she was walking away from the bus, Haney said something to the young girl that caused her to turn around, approach the principal, and begin yelling at him over the lack of protection for her friend.

As she was approaching Haney, the male student exited the bus and was able to grab ahold of the female student, which began the physical altercation captured in the viral video that circulated widely on Tuesday. The video of the assault, first posted online by media personality John Cardillo and soon picked up by Libs of TikTok, garnered tens of millions of views.

In the video, Haney can be seen in a green jacket standing by the fighting students, almost like a referee observing a wrestling match. According to the victim’s parents, it was only the actions of the bus driver that prevented the assault from doing more damage or perhaps even killing their daughter.

“If it had not been for that bus driver, he was able to grab [the male student’s] hand, and that’s the only reason that, probably that my daughter’s alive right now,” the mother said.

The parents said that, to the best of their knowledge, the bus driver, whom they only knew as “Bob,” was a retired former police officer who is now facing an investigation from the school district for intervening to halt the assault.

In a written statement, the district superintendent denied that the bus driver had been placed on leave; however, he did not comment on whether there was or would be an investigation into his conduct.

The attacker was temporarily suspended from school, but so was his victim.

The victims’ parents said they are prepared to pursue every legal avenue available to hold the attacker, the school district, and Haney accountable for the actions—and inactions—that left their daughter concussed and with vision-impairing damage.

There is so much wrong with everything that happened here. The transgender pretender should be arrested and charged with attempted murder and the principal should be fired at the very least, if not arrested himself for allowing the fake trans to continue viciously attacking the female student and not doing anything to prevent it.


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