The magic of the Flea Market and antique puppets

Over the past several weeks, I have been too weak and ill to get to the local flea market.   I was able to make it this past Sunday, though was barely able to make it home. 

Just as I have been focused on reviewing Daws Butler, Stan Freberg, and Don Messick and their use of puppets in their voice acting,  I find a metal box of antique puppets at the flea market.  They are well-detailed and crafted with several of them resembling Cecil the Sea Monster.   

I have noticed that I often "find" something at the flea market that reflects my recent focus in life. 


  1. Wow! Db! That’s crazy! What an amazing find! It’s funny how the Reality is mirroring what you’re into! I can’t wait to see you puppet! Best wishes! Ff

    1. An of the things that I learned in art school was to strip away inhibitions, to strip away control, and embrace the random, the unexpected. That was perhaps, the greatest lesson that I got from any forget and ignore what you have been taught. Get back to that childlike wonder and endless possibility. best db

  2. Yes, ff....agreed. One thing that strikes me about Daws Butler, Stan Freberg, Mel Blanc, and Don Messick is how childlike and playful they are with their imaginations. Daws was my favorite as he always seemed like he lived on both sides of reality. When Don Messick does Scooby Doo, it ripples through his body. They also had very good hearts which goes hand in hand with the childlike imagination. Thanks your your comment, best, db


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