The Eagles...Milli Vanilli 2.0

Wings of Pegasus makes the case that the Eagles are not singing or playing live at multiple venues years apart.  He examines multiple versions of Desperado.  It's all an illusion....


  1. They actually played live back in the 70's. In their recent older years they used what's known as backtracks kind of like karoake. They play and sing but it goes thru effects to make it sound better and goes along with the music and vocal backtracks. Many artists are doing this now, it's well known. In someways it's cheating and not fair to the many local unknown bands that do play everything live. But Label management has the final say in everything an artist does. They don't want people complaining about mistakes or abrubt stops or tuning in between songs. Usually there is fine print on the ticket stub that states it's entertainment only and buying a ticket the customer agrees to the fine print.

  2. If you watch the video, he gives solid evidence that it is a total fabrication. Guitars, vocals, drums, etc. Thanks your your comment. best db


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