Last night's dream...

Most of my dreams fit into 2 categories.

1) Trying to get home, whatever or wherever that is.

2)Fear tests.  Last night I was accosted by a bearded man with a sword.  He layed the sword on my chest.  I told him, "Go ahead and kill me, I don't care."  The sword was dragged across my chest with no pain or blood.

Juan Ayala and guest recently did a deep dive on dreaming and OBE.  For the record, I don't trust Robert Monroe.


  1. Hi db!
    I agree regarding Robert Monroe. There is plenty of red flags with that guy.
    But the more interesting part to me, with all these people, who are interested in or even involved with astral projection, OBE or whatever, is that no-one is even considering the fact that the whole astral realm might be just another layer of the 'matrix'. People seem to be conditioned to jump to conclusion that it is 'good' to travel to those dimension, that your 'astral body' is equivalent to your soul etc. To me it's clearly not the case. In my view, the astral realm is part of the deception, part of the 'game'. Just like in video games, for example, you can leave the main game level to the extra menu to see the whole map or change some settings, and stuff like that, but it's still part of the game.
    The key is not to get lost in all the layers, but exit the game (turn of the computer, so to speak) and never come back. But these 'spiritual' people are so enamored with all the 'cosmic' candy, called the astral realm, it's so strange that almost nobody is seriously questioning it.
    Anyway, wish you all the best.

    1. Hi Luke, thanks for your comment and observations. My gut instinct on Monroe is he's a liar. There may be parts of his story that ring true such as loosh. I have watched quite a few interviews with him. He is flippant about sufferng...once again blaiming the victim for recycling. So few will just call this place what it is....a place to harvest pain and suffering.

      I am so done with this place, I cannot conjure the fear. The above dream was a perfect example of this. I have had cobras rap themselves around my ankles...and I just quietly observe. I have had cheetahs attack be in my front yard, impossible in Massachusetts. I just closed my eyes and exited the scenario. I was in a fight with a gang in NYC in my dreams...I just actively said in my dream...."I don't want to be here." There is always some level of control that we can exert, but THEY keep it hidden from us.

      Very much agree with your observations, Luke...if this place here is a hall of mirrors, why would it be different in other dimensions. At least my dreams are giving me the opportunity to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

      Hope you are well cheers,db

    2. I'm doing well, thanks. I think what you're doing in focusing your energy on exiting those dream scenarios, and proclaiming to exit this place, and saying "no" to those entities, without fear, is a great way to go about it. I agree with that wholeheartedly and practice it myself.
      Also to add about the astral realm. The dead giveaway for me is all these astral realm entities, spirit guides, or even so called gods (whether it will be the appearance of Jesus for some or an ancient deity like Thoth for others) that people meet in OBE's or NDE"s and such... they never tell the truth! None of these spirit guides or 'higher' beings will tell you about fake fears, fake dangers that everyone believes in, like fake nukes, fake viruses, etc. They also won't tell you about the real issues that everyone faces in their daily life, and the real dangers, and the real structure of this world. You will hear BS like how it's all about 'love' and how you need to be a 'good' human being to get rid of your karma, and how this is such a wonderful learning experience, and on and on and on. All these astral realm entities are fucking frauds, liars, and/or mental AI bots at best.
      It is what it is. This 'matrix' is layers upon layers of lies.
      All the best,

    3. All great points, Luke.

      This is another reason that I see AI as demonic. It never reveals the fraud and lies that we have already discovered. When has the AI said the moon landing is a fraud or that the 9-11 narrative is a lie...never. It is another tool of deception and far more dangerous because it is personally sculpted to the individual.

      Agreed...this place is easily seen to be layers and layers of lies. I believe it is a necessary component of this place. If we knew we were being harvested, some might change their actions.
      There are so many apologists for the nature of this place. Why? Why do so few call it out for what it is?

      best, db

    4. Yes I agree, it is very bizarre that so few people see the full extent of the tragedy of this place and call it out.
      I think it is due to the fact (at least partially) that people here become deeply addicted to this place. All the pleasure highs, the false hope, the false pride of being a 'human', are all like super drugs (at least mentally), that even when you see you have been lied to, it's very difficult to fully run away from this world. The signal of the above mentioned things is so strong to the programmed mind that it results in this strange phenomenon.
      When you add to the mix the deeply programmed fear of death and the biological instinct (for lack of a better term) to survive, then you have people, even so called truth seekers, who want more of this place, and will create all kinds of scenarios and excuses to continue.
      It's a deep mental character/self/persona issue that is beyond mere facts about the world and society, I think.
      I'm grateful that I could share these deep thoughts about this place with you.

    5. Luke, I think it is part of our true responsibility to our fellow man to make these observations, regardless of whether anyone listens or not. It is why I posted on the Fakeologist forums for years and now post on this blog. In Juan Ayala's recent dream video, he spoke about the importance of journalling and writing thoughts down. I am making observations of my life experience and though it flies in the face of conformity, It is still out there. This is what I have experienced. When I was a young teen, I spent every Friday night visiting my grandparents and listening to stories of their experiences. I wanted to know firsthand what they experienced.

      Your contributions in writing for all to read and contemplate are a benefit to all, including myself. Thank you, db

    6. Great conversation here, thank you Benny and Luke. The astral, likely the prison playground. Benny, there's a toxin somewhere to be found.

    7. Thanks for your comment. I am very much appreciative to all who read and comment. It allows us to contemplate different opinions and observations made. best regards, db


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