Pro Gnosis Episode 9 - with Reality Sceptic Armunn Righ

Outstanding conversation between Luke and Armunn once again.   As Luke points out, Armunn did most of the talking on this one.  I embrace Armunn's model of ego and personality masks.  Before hearing of Armunn's model, I always felt that I had been through at least 10 different masks over my lifetime.  Some left with more resistance than others.  Now, they are welcome to walk out the door as needed. 

 I also embrace his NPC definition as a state rather than one's nature. 

I agree with the idea of trusting your intuition with regard to creation and direction.  I spent decades doing artwork and photography.  I have had no desire to do either for over 10 years.  Sometimes, I look at the art and photos and wonder who did them.   Even with doing this blog, I only post when I feel motivated to do so.  

 Highly recommended discussion. 



  1. Thanks!
    I had a great time talking to him about all these topics and listening to his insights while trying to catch the things I might be missing in my understanding.
    And the interesting thing is that I used to have this internal egoistic pressure that I must say something, that I must show off my knowledge, etc. I don't have it now, It just feel apart by itself. I didn't do anything to rid myself of it. Just by seeing it for what it was, how empty it was, it fell away. It was fun just to sit there with my slowly falling apart headset and listen to him.

    1. Well deserved compliments, Luke. Your comfort and confidence is easily heard by the listener.
      "And the interesting thing is that I used to have this internal egoistic pressure that I must say something, that I must show off my knowledge, etc. I don't have it now, It just feel apart by itself. I didn't do anything to rid myself of it. Just by seeing it for what it was, how empty it was, it fell away."

      Wow...this is SO well said. It also highlights why audiochatters are frantically talking over each other in other audiochats. It displays insecurity and a need to validate one's self through others. I agree with your observations on this in the above conversation.

      Thanks to you and Armunn for sharing this conversation with us. Best regards, db


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