When I was a child, there were many many stray dogs roaming the streets.  Leashes were unheard of in those days.  I was very afraid of these dogs as they were at eye level with me.  So, despite having had dogs as an adolescent growing up in my family, the fear of dogs must be seeded into my subconscious. 

My dreams as of late have had many dogs biting me, sinking their teeth into my flesh...all painless of course.  They are large...the size of tigers.  They also have mechanical elements to them with hybridization of various mechanical bits and creatures.  I would show my arms to people in the dream with all of the scars and injuries. 

In my dream from last night, I was telling my parents about my dreams about getting bitten and attacked by dogs.  While I was telling them about it, several large white dogs started biting my hands.  I told them over and over, this is exactly what happens.  As I was telling this to them, I found myself waking while mouthing those words..."This is exactly what happens." in this reality.


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