From the time I was a young child, I was tested.  Tested in school, tested for IQ, tested in catechism, tested in athletics, etc..  Then the testing of my physical body, my blood.

I remember the SRA series of reading comprehension tests in grade school.  It was all color coded as you advanced in difficulty.  I still have my NEDT test certificates from high school.  

Then comes the REPORT CARD....the school reports on the child to the parent, who needed to sign the REPORT CARD.   

I was graded at first just S for satisfactory, U for unsatisfactory or I for incomplete.  Then it progressed to A, B, C, D, F.  From there it added pluses.  A+, B+,C+, etc.  

As you ascended in level, the testing and grading became more specific.  It then was on a scale of 4.0.  So now an A  could be a 4.0, 3.9, 3.8, 3.7, or 3.6. 

The written tests themselves were graded on a scale of 70 to 100. 

Testing is part of the mind control of of this civilization.  The turkeys and dragonflies don't take tests.

In my high school, the system still seemed valid on some level.  You studied, you memorized the material, took the test, and got an A.

When I first got to college, I discovered that the 2 most revered professors had no knowledge or understanding of what they were "teaching".  They read robotically from prepared notes.  They were well-connected politically to get you into a prestigious grad school.  They used students to wash their car and paint their fence.  I could now see how the simulacrum presents itself.  The students all had access to old tests which were the same each year.  You just memorized the question and the answer, having no idea what either meant.   The same corrupt system existed in postgraduate school, finding old tests and memorizing answers.  

The process of taking tests is traumatizing to the individual.  It puts the cycle of PRIDE and SHAME front and center.  It creates performance anxiety, stress, and worry in the test taker.  Then there is the time component.  One must answer quickly and efficiently to finish before the end.  The proctor is there as the authority figure to be sure that cheating is minimized.   The role of the authority is tattooed on your brain before you can speak. 

As one ascends in their TRAINING, the role of  verbal tests with superiors presents itself.  Often, 2 questioners to one subject.  The question is asked, an answer is given and no response.  Next question.  Totally inhuman unnatural stressful situations. 

The physical body MUST be tested as well.  At one of my past jobs, I was asked to take a PPD test for tuberculosis.  I was asymptomatic and healthy.  This test would require me to take a needle and inject a substance into my skin to test how my body reacts.  I declined.  I was called into the administrator and told point blank that if I did not take the injection,  I would be let go.  I capitulated.  That was 15 years ago, I am a different person now. I was also required to have a blood test for several of my jobs.  

The vast majority of ALL people in this world have been TESTED.  They have all been traumatized and indoctrinated into this cruel, unusual and inhumane civilization. 


  1. I identify with this post. I spent two decades in public schooling, getting a college degree and a post-graduate degree. Test results stratified that artificial academic society. I spent more time on the shame side than the pride side. But I'd be willing to bet that GPA has no correlation with doing well and being a quality person. Even though my wife was her high school and college valedictorian, we've decided to drop out of game altogether with our five kids through UNschooling. They wake up and do whatever their naturally curious selves want to do every day. No curriculum. No tests. No pressure. My 17-year-old son got asked by a competitive peer what he scored on the SAT. He had never heard of the SAT. LOL.

  2. WOW That is an incredible testimonial. Congratulations on your courage to protect your children. That is incredibly unusual. The damage that the SCHOOLING process does to manKIND is overwhelming. Even in my dreams, I am trying to pass a TEST in a university in a course that I forgot. I very much appreciate your comment and your honesty regarding your life experience. Best regards, db

  3. Agree with this one. I can now see how what most of us went thru was outright brainwashing instead of education, or as a few of my teachers called it "babysitting". Working in healthcare they always give the TB test, but really none of the new hires ever have TB, it's like a submission to see if you follow orders or how bad you need the job.

  4. Yes, I think the PPD and CXR for tb is a compliance test. Excellent observation. I am still attempting to recover from the "education", decades later. Thank you for this excellent comment. Cheers, db


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