QOC on synchronicities



Yesterday, I was having a conversation with my husband about his hernia. I said, "I wish you could go to my old surgeon, Dr Craybas, but he's retired now." It's not a common name nor someone I thought about for many, many years. I get out of the car, go into Goodwill. I look at a shirt & when checking the size I notice someone placed a white sticker over the inside label. The sticker said: Craybas, C. I was like, "NO WAY" and I took a photo. This happens so often these days that I'm convinced there's been a shift strengthening & quickening our connection between the waves we generate; emotion, thoughts, belief, words (sound vibration) & the manifestation in the physical world. It happening to a lot of us. Pretty amazing!

I had been sleeping at the beach for some months and the wet weather was approaching,so I reached out to a halfway house in the hope of a room for the few months of undesirable weather, i got confirmation and the last night on the beach, a fox walked up to my spot and stood sniffing the air and checking me out, regretfully I gave out a "yahhh!" & Shooed it away, I laid there wishing i didn't. The next night, in the room I had been given i was reading a book and the main character had a fox come to her window, sheltering from a storm & she unhesitatingly let the fox in...a range of emotions came over me and I ponder on it to this day.
Someone told me that we misunderstand synchronicity as "just coincidence" but it is really things co-inciding perfectly. A few months ago, i had been visualizing my dream property, design of the house, where the fire pit would be, adding a little outdoor cedar sauna, etc. It popped in my vision where i would plant a mimosa tree, as i was charmed by them as a child. A month later, i was lying in the grass under my favorite oak tree and noticed a small tree just over the back fence and laughed because the leaves looked like a mimosa. No way, i have spent hours in that spot over the years and never saw that tree. The next morning i walked back there and saw the pink feathery blossoms so yeah, it was a mimosa. The tree was about 10 ft tall so it was not newly planted. A few days later, i saw my neighbor and asked him when he had planted that tree. He had never heard of a mimosa tree and just stared at it. He finally said "i didn't plant it, never seen it before." I felt like Mother Earth was winking at me. "See how WE manifest?"
Within a week the following happened; I had a THOUGHT about putting some mushrooms sprouts in my backyard (as they are expensive and who has time to go mushroom hunting... you can't be sure if what you find is ok to eat & so on). Watched a show and they got those bags & grew mushrooms. Then, an article about best places to find mushrooms in my state. Then, a YouTube about what mushrooms (genitalia FYI) are & all this science of it. An ad for mushroom supplements. Finally, I searched how to do it. Said a rotting log + sprouts. I thought, next time I see some free logs that someone puts out after they chop a tree, I'll grab some up. Next night, terrible storm. A tree in my yard was struck by lightning. Fell without damaging anything (a few feet any other direction would have caused lots of damage). Guess I have plenty of log now to grow some mushrooms
MY FAVORITE COMMENT This may be a bit out there, but what if no one else, except you Matt, experienced seeing those bikes. What if you created them in your reality and they were there for only you to experience (and perhaps anyone else who was "supposed to" see them as well). Maybe that's why the car next to you didn't seem to respond to them. I have a theory that some of us have reality glasses that allow us to see things others are unable to, don't want to, or are not ready to see.


  1. hey dirtybenny I like when the stories are written out like this one so I can read them i don't like watching videos.

  2. Cheers and thanks for your comment....I enjoy the comments as they seem to be more real experiences of real people. That is why I include them. Thank you for your comment, db


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