Liars DO NOT tell the truth

Jane Roe from Roe V Wade admits she was a paid actress to enact abortion mills

Why believe the liar now?  Because it fits the narrative THEY want you to believe?



  1. Quelle surprise! but what a great find. Demonic, full stop

  2. Thanks for your comment, cheers, db

  3. real is fake. fake is fake. What is the dirtybenny saying here? Which side do you think is right or wrong? Do you support abortion? do you not support abortion? "Demonic full stop" What does that mean? giving abortions is demonic or stopping abortions is demonic?

    Disinfo accounts, like dirty benny, the tikitok show, the woman, the reacting people and the comments here, never get to a clear point. They all just create worry and confusion.

    abortion. is it bad or good and why? Nothing here states a clear opinion.

    Someone come on here and state clear opinions. Here is mine.

    real news is fake and fake news is fake. Napoleon Wilson is a disinformation account. YOU CAN LEARN from all accounts. He says the star of David is the whore of Babylon and that 9/11 is the false religion. Regardless of its absurdity, the understanding of the term false religion is key.

    forget religion. What does a religion have? 2 sides. Good and evil. Good and evil is represented by 2 controlled narratives. sometimes to good are evil people. sometimes the good are good people. It doesn't matter. They are both chasing a "false religion.

    GMO's and Demonic transexual agenda. Do you know what they have in common? Both need someone to survive. GMO's are not bad in the sense of killing you because they are full of cancer or whatever blame you place on them. Trannies are not bad because they are hollywood elite. They are bad because neither can survive without help from a human source.

    GMO crops need chemicals to grow and they do not produce seeds. Trans people need surgery and medicine to survive and cant produce seeds.

    But it's deeper than that. Most of us are not trannies. but we are. We have androgynous chromosome traits. xxy47. many others. My current belief is the health care system has been systematically killing people with normal chromosomes. It leaves us as GMO crops. Poor specimens in need of care and producing inferior offspring. Look up xxy47 and then look up the term to find others.

    Real is fake and fake is fake. The arguements on both sides are not the real truth. It's fake. Just like an argument, a religion has 2 sides.

    If you do not clearly define your argument you are disinfo.

    Trannies and GMO are the same thing. Both sides of the argument are false. The end goal is to create humans and food that rely on the system to live.


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