Green Day flash occult/satanic symbolism Verily Verily


"Once you wake up, you don't see politics, entertainment or celebrities anymore. You just see liars, thieves, cheats, actors, narcissists, tyrants, fools, psyops, puppets, controlled opposition & Satanic rituals. Green Day flash occult/satanic symbolism during their live concert performances of their song 'St. Jimmy'. I recorded Green Day's performance at the 2024 Isle of Wight Festival out of curiosity as they used to be one of my favourite bands for years. During their 'St. Jimmy' song I noticed flashing on the screen in the background needles and satanic ritual symbolism of pentagrams in a circle and the Baphomet goat head in front of an upside down triangle. They flash the goat head quickly so that you have to pause it to see what it is. They are literally spell casting and summoning demonic energy and entities, and displaying their allegiance."


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