Columbian Exposition of 1893 | The Art of Historical Manipulation Latent Lexicon

Thanks to FL Flamingo for sharing this video with me.  We cannot trust photos of any era.


  1. interesting approach. I especially liked the opening explanation of why these "pre-photoshop" techniques and technicians existed; to correct deficiencies in the subject (crossed eyes, big neck) or the background (blurred, etc). the ostensible reason hides the license to use such manipulation at will. one question that seemed unasked was about that Columbus statue; did it even exist? the last quote from mangan was pertinent

  2. EXCELLENT points. You raise an important point about the Columbus statue. I have personally been in the Field Museum in Chicago. It is massive and overwhelming. So even if the whole story of these Expositions is a lie, there is still the issue of how did these massive ornate buildings get here. I am a proponent of the simulation model, so they could have just been programmed in as I believe tree, snake, flower, insect species have. It could be a way to test our abilities to attempt to solve an impossible problem within the simulation. Thanks again for your detailed comment. Very much appreciated. Best regards, db

    1. thanks DB. the simulation concept begins to make more sense as time goes on. maybe the facade is falling? have been to the relics of the expo in SF, even witnessed a wedding beneath one of those structures. weirdness at minimum

    2. Yes, I think the flat earth/ball earth divide was purposely given to the masses to quash our thinking about other models of what this place is. The local experience of sun and moon was the clincher for me. Any and every thing that THEY present to us is a deception. best regards db

  3. Good find!
    Thanks, Luke

  4. Thanks for the comment, regards, db

  5. Db! Thank you for sharing this video! I like how it explains how the changed the photo to correct certain things! It’s crazy that they had this type of technology back in the day. I only thought photoshop is a new thing. Crazy, we can’t believe what is real and what is not! Xoxo- Florida Flamingo!

  6. Thanks for finding and sharing this video with me. Thanks for the comment. Best, db


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