AIB's is in session

I don't completely agree with AIB's model, but her knowledge of symbology, colors, and mythology is breathtaking.  For the record, I don't think any of these photos/videos are organically made by manKIND. Demonic AI is producing ALL of it.  That is why the symbology and colors are spot on coordinated.


  1. Not seeing much I would agree with in that video. Baggy eyes could mean late night reading too. Most of the girls she says are trans are actually really females. So what we have here is pushing and agenda to persuade that there are many transvestites and nobody can be really sure. Yet it isn't provable. It's like the Pedo panic agendas, where everyone rich and famous is a Pedo. Just a way to get the terms into the social mindset and be used to talk bad about somone.

  2. Very own comments that I post to replies are being deleted. db

    1. Change your password, refresh page if you edit your comment and occasionally delete browser history and cookies. Somtimes If you delete one comment then it may also delete other comments you made during the log in session.

  3. Have already done that multiple times.


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