Which Classic TV Series Had The Most Negative Impact On US Culture?

This is from a GLP thread that I found interesting...I will post the answers below.  It is striking how widespread the assault on manKIND has been throughout the years.  Television and movies have been THEIR key weapon.

ROOTS and All in the Family are my choices...

Was it “Cheers” for popularizing pub culture and worsening alcohol dependency?

Was it “Miami Vice” for glorifying the police state and the War On Drugs which exploded tenfold under Reagan?


Lavern and Shirley

through 3 generations

leave it to beaver

all in the family

married with children

now what???

Married with Children

Destruction of white Christian nuclear family.

Cosby Show. civilized affluent black family.

Three's Company.

Hate that fucking show.

Murphy Brown for making it acceptable to have and raise children alone without a father.

Many others promoted sexual license.

All in the Family

Charlies Angels

Dancing with the Stars

The Simpsons

It was a hilarious show but it solidified the most common negative stereotypes about Americans, and made the idea of having a family look like a nightmare for a generation of Americans.

The Simpsons is the most popular and well known TV family of all time, but they were always portrayed as completely dysfunctional where no one respected each other, they just got along because of everyone's general stupidity.

Very bad role models. They would even make fun of this on the show constantly but it was still the most popular.

All the ones that had either no father or no mother.

My Three Sons - No Mom

Courtship Of Eddie's Father - No Mom

Family Affair - No Mom

Andy Griffith Show - No Mom

Gidget - No Mom

One Day At A Time - No Dad

sex in the city


mary tyler moore for teaching women they don't need men and should "make it on their own" - which is why all mary's boyfriends were duds

Sesame Street.

From the very start.

Surprised no one's mentioned The Brady Bunch yet

Adam 12 for promoting police brutality.

Hollywood Squares.

let that flamer Paul Lynne have the center square.

Seriously though,


All in the Family .

Norman Lear admitted he created Archie Bunker to make White Anglo Christian men look stupid. Antagonized by his son in law STIVICK ( CIVIC , CIVILIAN ) . I wish I saved the article where he admitted this, it has been scrubbed from the net. He also said his name BUNKER was chosen because it sounded German and Bunker for war .

Charlie's Angels ruined me for mortal women.
Been through dozens of them, none can compare.


Fat, ugly, lazy, mouthy, gross, tyrant that everybody

bowed down to.

And millions of women worshipped that miserable bitch.


Married with children

The Simpsons

Then all the sitcoms that had the stupid bumbling husband and the pretty wife, which was followed by shows revolving around singles and gays

I love Lucy….Always manipulating everyone to get her way!

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 80475309 

Yup, the movie turned into tv series did a 180 turn on the story line.

Weak man alan alda was a joke.

Should I get into the true Colonel Potter or Radar's real life?

Then there was our precursor of a man in a dress to get his way.

Being a drunk alcoholic was cool.
Men were proud to cry.

I could go on.


  1. It's quite creepy to go back and see the insidiousness of it all. Patient and unrelenting, over decades and centuries.

  2. Agreed, this is why I bang on about manKIND being at war with an enemy...for at least a few centuries. Thanks for your comment..best db


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