BOMBSHELL Death Surges of CV-AI Virginia Stoner's Meticulous Research on what happened.

Thanks to Rolt from the below audiochat for dropping this bombshell of information.

He referenced the work of Virginia Stoner in Texas.  This lady has done a tremendous service for manKIND.  She has meticulously compiled CDC death stats and VAERS stats over the past several decades and compared them to the 2020-2023 event.  She has a gazillion charts, breaking down these stats by state as well.

Given the fact that all data shared by the controllers could be false or fabricated, her data reflects my personal experience with what transpired during that time period.  This is in regard to the states affected, ages affected, etc.

From Virginia's Blog...PLEASE summary post cannot do justice to the research that she has done.

Lately I’ve been writing about several unusual surges in US deaths that occurred from 2020 to 2022. I haven’t looked at all the surges individually yet, but I decided to jump straight to this discussion of all the surges collectively, after the high strangeness of the situation hit me.

During these surges, deaths rose and fell in a Bell Curve pattern over several weeks. Ordinarily, deaths don’t surge that way—they don’t change much from week-to-week, although they decline somewhat in summer, and increase in winter.

I previously wrote about the first death surge, which occurred in April 2020. This surge was mostly focused in New York and New Jersey, where an incredible 40% of all excess deaths in the US during the surge occurred.

The vaccines didn’t cause it

The April 2020 death surge is ignored a lot in both mainstream and alternative media, because it doesn’t neatly fit anyone’s narrative. Those warning people about the dangers of COVID19 vaccines don’t like to talk about it, because it occurred before the vaccines were available. Those promoting the vaccines don’t like to talk about it, because it raises the question of why there were 2 even larger death surges after the vaccines were introduced (more about that later).

The second death surge, which began in December 2020, impacted California more than any other state, although deaths were higher than usual overall across the US.  

What’s behind the Death Wave phenomenon?

I’d like to see how this “death wave” data fits in with everyone’s COVID19-related hypotheses. I don’t pretend to have thought through all the implications and possibilities, but here are some initial thoughts:

RE the dangerous virus hypothesis: People promoting the official narrative of a dangerous virus should explain why there were no excess deaths in the US before the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) pronouncement of a pandemic in March 2020; then immediately following the WHO’s pronouncement, there were simultaneous death surges around the world. US death surges also occurred simultaneously in multiple states, and at odd times of year, not in the traditional ‘flu season’—are these things consistent with a virus cause? They should also acknowledge, of course, that no SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been proven to exist anywhere except in silico—that is, in computer code.

RE the miracle vaccine hypothesis: People promoting COVID19 vaccination should explain why the death surges continued and even got worse, long after the COVID19 vaccines were introduced in December 2020, with more deaths in 2021 than the previous year.

RE the dangerous vaccine hypothesis: Personally, I think the entire vaccine paradigm is fundamentally flawed, and all vaccines are inherently dangerous, so I’m on board with this hypothesis. Nevertheless, the reality is the vaccines weren’t around when the April 2020 death surge occurred, or when the July 2020 mini-surge occurred. In addition, the December 2020 death surge may have started too soon to be attributable to vaccination—but it’s not clear because it seems like a lot of people were receiving early vaccinations. Regardless, these things indicate that vaccination isn’t the only piece of the puzzle of Death Waves.

The Squirrel Thinker. Image credit unknown.

RE the electromagnetic energy hypothesis: I’d like to know whether any of the death surges match up to changes made in the wireless energy grid. Were a bunch of 5G towers turned on in New York in April 2020, coinciding with an explosion of deaths there? Did the same thing happen in California in December 2020, or in Florida and Texas in August 2021?

The good news is, whatever was causing the Death Waves seems to be gone, or at least dormant, since the numbers have been looking better in 2023. On the other hand, it seems to take several months to get a reasonably complete death count in the US—so keep your fingers crossed.

Just how strange were the 2020-2022 “death waves”? See what you think, based on the following 2 charts comparing weekly deaths in the US in 2020-2022 (in blue), with weekly deaths in 2019 (in brown). I’ve outlined the death surges in white, and labeled them—they haven’t been identified using statistical analyses, only visual appearances, and reasonable people could definitely disagree about exactly when they began and ended. But, I don’t think anyone could disagree that it’s fair to characterize them as “death surges.” In fact, “mind-boggling mass extermination events” would probably be more accurate.

A remarkably similar death surge pattern occurred simultaneously across multiple states in August-September 2021. Deaths began to surge and then decline at approximately the same time everywhere, and it occurred at a time of year when deaths are ordinarily at a low point. The fact these death surges were so similar across multiple states almost certainly indicates they had the same cause.

The death surge pattern isn’t consistent with a virus, according to the standard virus narrative. If it were, we’d expect to see surges of death occurring at different times in different states, and lasting various lengths of time, as the virus gradually spread via contagion. That’s not what happened here—the same death surge occurred simultaneously in multiple states, at the same unusual time of year.

This death surge seems oddly specific — as if it were a response to particular triggering event. It could be many things—it could be a particularly bad batch of vaccine, for example. If it was an environmental toxin, it would have to be one that was all around the country, including Alaska—electromagnetic radiation, for example. Could it be some other product that was widely distributed at that time?

Again, I end with more questions than answers.


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