The Eyes are the Window to the Soul or Spirit

I am a big proponent of the Eyes being the window to the soul...or a window to your spiritual essence.  They are how we take in light to decode this realm. 

JLB's above video on iridology sparked me to expound on this. 

There is a reason why the cops and military usually wear sunglasses.  They want to dehumanize you and alienate you from being connected to them.  

Human to human gaze is extremely powerful, in fact, I have used it to hypnotize subjects nonverbally.  Look into my are getting very sleepy.

The Look of Love.  Gaze is also extremely powerful in sexual attraction and seduction. 

Liars have difficulty looking you in the eye.  They often look up and to the side. 

Animals always look to your eyes, be it dogs, cats, or wild animals.  They do not look at your hands or feet, they look into your eyes. 

I NEVER wear sunglasses....EVER.

I have one anecdote from a few years back.  I was coming home from the gym. Long hair, Harley Davidson T shirt with the sleeves ripped off in a convertible sports car.  I was a ripe cop target.  I hit a speed trap and was doing 35 in a 25 mph zone.  Cop pulls me over,  and comes around to my car.  He was NOT wearing sunglasses. I looked at him directly in his eyes. He said "You were doing 35 mph in a 25 mph zone." I looked in his eyes and said,"I am really sorry about that."  He gestured me to leave.  Never asked for license, registration..NOTHING.


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