Kozyrev mirror opens up the 5th dimension!

This is some fascinating Russian research. 

From the below transcript.

"The implication is that the global electromagnetic soup of cell phones, radio, television,  and electric appliances actually impedes our innate communication abilities." 

I consider this further evidence that manKIND is under attack by an enemy looking to throttle our abilities with technology.

Mystics and prophets of old were assured that the mirror, especially concave, can empower a person's ability of clairvoyance. We faced today's scientists with the unusual properties of these mirrors: physicists, biologists, geneticists, psychologists ...

Scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR at the time decided to deal with the mysterious properties of concave mirrors. Based on experiments and theory of time from Leningrad astrophysicist Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev, the researchers produced a special mirror design and the end of 1980 and started experimenting with a mental image transfer over large distances. In the global experiments twelve countries of the world were employed and nearly five thousand participants. The results exceeded all expectations. In most cases up to 95 percent of the telepathic information was received correctly. These results can not be attributed to accidental coincidences ...

What if the secrets of concave mirrors were carried away when their biggest expert died - a scientist in the thirteenth century called Roger Bacon. How did he manage to look for hundreds of years ahead and to predict the invention of the microscope and telescope, cars and airplanes, ships powered by engines? How did he knew about galaxies and extragalactic nebulae, the structure of biological cells and the process of embryo formation, composition and operation of gun powder?

Is it a coincidence that during the experiments with Kozyrev mirrors over the laboratory UFOs were seen regularly? What about this so called the field of fear around the mirror setting? The glowing symbols that appear in it? What happens to a man once inside Kozyrev mirror? What is up with the "information space" (collective memory, akasha) and how researchers can obtain information not only from the distant past of humanity, but also from the future?

What is the importance of a concave mirror on planetary scale, and how it can act on people and equipment? What are the prospects of the concave mirrors in medicine, aerospace, scientific knowledge of the world? And finally, why the sensational results of Siberian and Ural scientists are virtually unknown to the people?

These are the questions that this documentary addresses.

so much interesting info in this doc, can't digest it all at once. For example they also speak about this condition usually called Arctic Hysteria, Piblokto, Shamanic Disease or as they call it in Russian "Merjacenje"

This thing has been known in the North for hundreds of years but it finally caught the interest of psychiatrists in the 1890's. It happens all of a sudden, it can affect a whole group (say a whole camp, or tribe) and it alters their state of consciousness. They stop feeling pain, they move in erratic patterns, chanting sounds or animal noises, and speaking in unknown languages. It usually lasts for hours. Also, if they are given commands by a shaman, they obey them even if they are absurd and downright dangerous. Science still can't explain this phenomena.

Enoch 8:1
Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and of all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered



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