AI/SI updates the Moon Landing story....via Matt Walsh

Ab over at has posted the above video of Matt Walsh ranting strongly in defense of the Moon Landing being real. 

It is self-evident to me that the Moon Landing was fiction from beginning to end.  I don't believe in flying rocks, thanks SMJ.  "The" moon is a light in the sky, exactly the same cookie cutter circle size as "the" sun.  A construct of the simulation.

Given the fact that the Moon Landing charade was faked by the control structure here to deceive manKIND, Walsh does raise  some outstanding points.

My model is that these narratives and photos have been generated by AI/SI for a long time, including the Moon Landing story.  I have previously posted about the unbelievable elements included in the 9-11 story.  I postulate that this was also due to AI/SI shortcomings in producing realistic modelling for humans.

The issues that Walsh raises in the first half of this video are all extremely valid points in my opinion.  The truth community fails to take these inconsistencies into account when explaining these ops. 

My take is Walsh's rant was AI/SI generated, rapidly spitting out endless statistics and explanations. 

My model is that the AI/SI is updating its prior errors in modelling the Moon landing story via Walsh. These entities  serve as organic portals for the AI/SI

Some of Walsh's valid points....

How many people would need to be involved?  Thousands of people across multiple agencies.  People are very bad at keeping secrets. Astronauts, NASA workers, government, keeping the secret for decades.  Sound engineers, props, film editors....worlds filled with gossip.   Multiple worldwide governments including the Soviet Union would have to be in on it.  The Soviet Union never denied the moon landing.  Why does no government ever call out the fake moon landing?   Even our so-called enemies.  Thousands of people across dozens of countries for 6 decades.


According to the non-believers, NASA did a shoddy job of faking the landings, making a number of extremely obvious mistakes.  Perhaps the Nixon phone call?

The mistakes so obvious that even people on Twitter can debunk.

The hoax would have to be the most brilliant hoax of all time and at the same time the most farcical and poorly executed.


I agree with all of these points, but that doesn't make the moon landing real.  It requires a new model of reality. 

Firstly, countries are an artificial construct all part of a unified control structure for manKIND. 

People don't talk about these things because we are not all the same.  Some are entrained to different morphic fields and frequencies here. They act as a hive entrained to the AI/SI to achieve its goal.

The errors in the Moon Landing episode were due to poor AI/SI modelling.  It is now upgrading the story via Walsh with these statistics and explanations. 


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