Chemtrails or are they?


The chemtrail conspiracy conclusion, apparently

Unread post by dirtybenny » 

My model is that they are not physical planes but visible manifestations of demonic energies in the realm. I had one over my front yard last week, aiming for my sun/sol/soul. I verbally said outloud, "You are nothing, don't even try to attack me with your tricks" several times. As soon as it bisected my sun/sol/soul, the "plane" and trail disappeared right before my eyes. I watch them with binoculars and the planes are nearly transparent.

I have a friend who lives right next to the Providence,RI airport. We watch planes come in all the time. They look nothing like these ghosts.

Barium, strontium, aluminum....oh my. is .....another lie.

I remain successful at making these apparitions disappear in the skies over my land. My girlfriend and I repeated "lux corona, you have no power here, I banish you from here." We literally watched them disappear into nothingness. It was more striking and rapid with someone else's presence and intention focused.

I have previously written about my personal experience dissipating ghost planes and chemtrails on my land. My model for what I observe in the sky echoes the discussion here. Start at 14 minutes in.


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